Ensure Your Church or Ministry is in Compliance

Church Compliance

Ultimate Platinum

A team of church compliance specialists will come to your church or ministry and conduct an on-site compliance review.

Our on-site compliance review covers three calendar years of books, records, minutes, bylaws, forms W-2, 1099, W-3, 941, 941-C, bank reconciliation statements and housing allowances to clergy, if applicable.

In order to verify compliance, generally we inspect all assets, and examine depreciation schedules, insurance policies, deeds and titles to all property, promissory notes to lending institutions and individuals, and any other record or evidence of the ministry’s organization, operations and activities relating to tax-exempt and financial accounting compliance. To the extent necessary and appropriate, we review all policies and procedures, bookstore inventory, required filings for schools or academies, financial statements, balance sheets, revenue, and expense statements, supporting schedules, general ledger, disbursement journals, contribution reports and procedures, contribution receipts and receipt systems, ministers recent personal income tax returns, and Forms 990 (federal annual information return required of a tax-exempt organization that is not a church) and 990T (return of a tax-exempt organization engaging in unrelated business income activities), as may be appropriate.

An exit meeting will be held prior to the departure of the Examiner(s) and a written Management Letter will be provided to the Board of Directors not later than thirty (30) days after the completion of the review.

Church Compliance

Ultimate Gold

Many churches and ministries want to be in compliance but cannot afford the on-site compliance review offered in our Platinum Package. Our Ultimate Gold Package offers the same intensive compliance review and findings as the Ultimate Platinum Package.

With the Ultimate Gold Package, the church or ministry would mail copies of the required information for the three year time period to our office. Our team will divide the information into three areas; (1) Legal, (2) Financial, and (3) Filings. Each area will be analyzed to determine the compliance with IRS 501(c)(3) requirements. As with our on-site compliance review, we will identify all areas of non-compliance and issue a detail report of our findings. More importantly, our team will provide you with an action plan that will correct those non-compliance issues.

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Compensation Plans

Our team of compliance specialists, tax accountants, certified tax preparers and compensation specialists can be at your disposal. We assist thousands of pastors and clergy with every aspect of compensation analysis and tax planning. From setting up the pastor’s compensation package, including housing allowance, and tax free fringe benefits, to establishing a system to provide love offerings to the pastor legally, our team is devoted to ensure that you, as a pastor, are compensated fairly.

Retirement Plans

Not only do we set-up the compensation package, our tax specialists will ensure that you never pay any more in taxes than you have to. We will provide all necessary legal documents for Housing Allowance, Ministry Reimbursements, Medical Reimbursements/Plans, and Retirement Plan options. Not sure what type of retirement is for you, our team can discuss all the various options including TSAs, 403(b)s, Deferred Compensation Trust Agreements, and Rabbi Trust Agreements. Once we have determined the plan right for you, we have partners that can actually create those retirement accounts and manage your portfolio.

Written Wills

Do you have a will? Most pastors do not. Our legal team can assist with all aspects of estate planning, including Living Wills, and Last Will and Testaments. In conjunction with our tax accountants, we will ensure that your estate will be sheltered from taxation to the best of the law. If you were to pass, who would take care of your spouse? We can assist with Salary Continuation Plans, and other spousal benefits to help take care of your spouse upon your passing.